Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can somebody do us all a favor and gag Valerie Concepcion?

For the good of people-kind, will someone please gag Valerie Concepcion?

I can't believe I did not include her in my list of annoying people on TV! I guess I didn't realize then how irritating this girl is until I got stuck into listening (I don't watch) to Wowowee, the TV show I abhor the most which my mom happens to watch religiously from the moment it starts to the next three to four hours or so.

If you have a migraine, better stay away from Valerie and the sounds she makes. If you're fine and you expose yourself to her, then you'll get a migraine. For your own sake, take my advise. Keep away from her!

It will take a mutated hearing system not to get annoyed with Valerie and the noise she makes.

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